Monday, February 15, 2016

I established stevenrobertmorrison .com in November of 2015 to promote myself, I had hoped to get everything up and running by Feb. 01. 2016, but one of three things happened:
1: Life got in the way of my plans.
2: I had to much content to format or the context needed to be "tweaked" to fit.
3: I was just too damned lazy and was distracted by various things.
 The truth was, it was likely a combination of all three.

 I need to add this blog as a self-intimidating and self-shaming vehicle to motivate myself. So I intend to use this as a platform to say "Hey over the last few days I did this", or "Today I accomplished this!" So if there is a period where I do not post my ongoing progress, then I will be failing in my efforts of self-promotion, and work in writing and entertainment.

 So, okay, I am calling myself out to get off my butt and do the things I plan to do.
 Steve: I challenge you to do this.
 Steve: I accept me challenge!
 Steve: Really, well you are really going to have to buckle down and "get to it".
 Steve: Watch me.